A robot is actually an electromechanical machine with some sort of intelligence. It's recognized as one of the most magnificent discoveries that human minds have created. The field of development, designing, study, research and production of robots is known as robotics. If we travel across the history, we would find that the term robot came from a czech word 'Robota' meaning forced labour. Similarly the term 'Robotics' was introduced by Issac Asimov on 1942 in his book, Runaround.

Types of robots
1) Pre-Programmed Robots
Pre-programmed robots operate in a controlled environment where they do simple, continues tasks. An example for a pre-programmed robot would be a mechanical arm on an automotive assembly line.
2) Humanoid Robots
Humanoid robots are robots that mimic human looks or behaviour. It's a bot with its body shape built to resemble the human body. The design may be for functional purposes, such as interacting with human tools and environments
3) Autonomous Robots
Autonomous robots operate independently of human operators. These robots are usually designed to carry out tasks in open environments that do not require human supervision. They are quite unique because they use sensors to perceive the world around them
4) Teleoperated Robots
Teleoperated robots are semi-autonomous bots that use a wireless network to enable human control from a safe distance.
5) Augmenting Robots
Augmenting robots either enhance current human capabilities or replace the capabilities a human may have lost.
Special Credits:
Rethink Robotics' Sawyer collaborative robots on the factory floor at Schramberg in Germany.
Photo Credit - Jeffrey Alan Green